Online Marketing

Do You Really Need Online Marketing?

Many business owners question the importance of online marketing. After all, if you have been in business for years, built a solid and loyal customer base, and haven’t needed to expand, your business is fine, right?

Wrong. Unfortunately, many “traditional” business owners tend to see web marketing concepts as fads, which waste both money and time. Meanwhile, online marketing has quickly become an absolute necessity for any and all businesses — small businesses especially.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO is the best way to boost your sales and grow your business by improving your search engine rankings and increasing your web traffic. Successful SEO pushes your web page to the top of the Search Engine Results Page (SERP) of services such as Google. Prospects will then be able to easily find your website when they make keyword queries about the business services or products you offer.

Pay-Per-Click Advertising (PPC)

PPC campaigns work when the relevant keywords for your products or services are entered in search engines resulting in your ads appearing prominently above or alongside the organic search results. A fee is charged only when someone clicks on your ad.

AdWords Retargeting provides the opportunity to display your banner ads again after your website visitors have left and are visiting other webpages, increasing the likelihood of a return to your website.

Review Management

Your online reviews are a critical part of your online marketing. Potential customers pay attention to how many reviews your business has and to the ratings. It’s what we call “social proof.” The more great reviews your business has online, the more likely you are to get calls and emails.

Our review management tool makes it easy for you to request reviews from your customers and includes optional Net Promoter Scores and survey questions. And, reminder emails are automatic, so you don’t have to keep track of who you need to follow up with.

Social Media Management

Social Media can be very effective in increasing brand awareness about your business, products and services. Because social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn are becoming more popular every day, your exposure and therefore your new customer acquisition will be amplified with an ongoing actively maintained social media presence that reaches out to networked connections of friends, fans and followers.

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