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Five Absolute Don’ts of Web Design

Five Absolute Don’ts of Web Design

Whether you're starting out or hiring an experienced web design and development company, here are five things you need to steer clear of when creating a website. In an increasingly digital age, the internet is becoming the lifeblood of marketing and communication. In...

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Three Tips to Maximize Marketing Potential

Three Tips to Maximize Marketing Potential

Small, local businesses are the lifeblood of the American economy. Some of those businesses don’t yet understand the importance of a marketing campaign. In small towns, word of mouth can often be enough to get by. But if you’re a business owner who wants to expand your reach past the town you’re based in, then you need to consider a local online marketing campaign. Not sure where to start? Here are some tips to maximize marketing and give your campaign the jump start it needs.

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Five Reasons You Need a Business Website

Five Reasons You Need a Business Website

Many local businesses will boast that they don’t need a business website, but in reality, the opposite is true. If you want to expand your reach past the town you’re based in, local online marketing and web design services are the way to go. Here are five reasons why.

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Three Online Marketing Tips for Small Businesses

Three Online Marketing Tips for Small Businesses

Although 93% of all online experiences begin with a search engine, showing up in the first page of search engine results isn't the only way to market your business online. There are countless ways to get your name and image out there today. The importance of local...

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Is Your Website Stuck in the Past? Three Ways to Modernize Your Website Design

Is Your Website Stuck in the Past? Three Ways to Modernize Your Website Design

The first thing you see when looking at any business’s website is, well, their website design. With data showing a projected 85% of all customer relations to be managed without talking to another human in the next four years, making sure your website is as functional as possible is a key factor in its growth and success. So how can you make sure your business is going to find success online? Here are a few tips to get you started.

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Report: SEO Industry Now Valued at $65 Billion

Report: SEO Industry Now Valued at $65 Billion

Search Engine Land, one of the top resources for SEO news on the Web, recently published a report that values the SEO industry at an incredible $65 billion. As if that wasn’t enough to prove the dominance of online marketing and SEO, the industry is expected to keep growing to reach a total value of $79 billion by 2020.

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Why are Hero Images So Popular in Web Design?

Why are Hero Images So Popular in Web Design?

In our last blog post, we opened up an Internet time capsule to show you what web design looked like through the ages. Our design and marketing company has been in business since 1982, and so our Maryland web designers have seen plenty of web design trends come and go over the years.

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Tackling SMB Web Design in Baltimore

Tackling SMB Web Design in Baltimore

Communicating Through Web Design Through its setup and appearance, your website design should be able to attract customers as well as guide them through their experience easily. However, in an increasingly competitive market, it's important to work with someone who...

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